While I wait to figure out how to put the pictures on my camera (thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!), onto the computer, I will do another post. I have just gotten some new clay, and I made a few cats and dogs. Grandma and Grandpa B. saw them when they were over here, but I'll have to show everyone else when they come over for lunch. Eli and his mom and dad came over for dinner a few nights ago, and I showed him my dollhouse (he saw it- or should I say, discovered it downstairs, so I brought it upstairs to show him). He kept saying "It's just sooo cute!" He also said that if I wasn't finished with it the next time he came over, he wanted to help me. I agreed. I'll show some pictures on here of it soon, I hope. Until then, I'll keep working on the new addition!
Can't wait to see the pictures. I must see it when I come today.